
Mário Ponte

Web Developer


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Hello my name is Mário Ponte, I have more than 3 years of experience with programming and along the way I have programmed in C, JAVA, PHP, JavaScript and Python, but right now I am only focused on Web Development.

I am passionate about everything that involves the computer science and I am always interested in learning new technologies.


Click on one of the technologies to see more information:


Creation of Management Systems

I can create a web application for managing your business data.

Creation of Websites

I can create a website for your brand/company with all the features you want.


I can create an online store for your business with all the tools you need.

Graphic Design

Not my main focus, but I have experience in creating graphic arts. I can create logos, banners, flyers, etc.

Contact Me




(+351) 964 158 481

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